Indianapolis Domino’s Team Members Help Evacuate Burning Apartment Complex
One of the core values of the Domino’s brand is “Doing the Right Thing.” Domino’s team members across the world strive to put this into practice every day, but rarely do we see it demonstrated so dramatically as we did in an Indianapolis Domino’s store, owned by franchisee Glenn Mueller, this past summer.
On the evening of June 18, 2021, Domino’s team members Walter Elliot and Bradley Bruckman were at work when the apartment complex just next to their store caught fire. Walter, who had only started working at that store a few weeks earlier, saw the fire and smoke as he arrived for work, and immediately grabbed Bradley and ran to the burning building. Together, they began knocking on doors, alerting tenants and helping them evacuate – they were the first on the scene and almost certainly saved some of the tenants’ lives.
Walter and Bradley weren’t the only ones demonstrating Domino’s core values that night. Katryna Crom, the store’s general manager, embodied another one of Domino’s core values: “Putting People First.” When the danger became apparent, she prioritized the safety of her team members and immediately evacuated the store. Later that evening, when it was safe to return, Katryna and her team fed the police and fire teams, in addition to the tenants who were still on the scene.
“I’ve never had anything like this happen in my three years at Domino’s, but I am extremely proud of how my team handled this,” Katryna said. “I’m incredibly grateful to be in a position where we can help people and I’m incredibly grateful that we were there, at the right place and right time.”

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