AANHPI Heritage Month

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Get to Know Lianne Brion

For AANHPI Heritage Month, we sat down with Lianne Brion, Domino’s Talent Acquisition Specialist, to ask about her roots and working at Domino’s.

Published: May 1, 2024
Lianne Brion (right) is pictured with her sister and mom in her hometown of San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines in 2020.

Describe your role at Domino’s and how long you’ve been with Domino’s.

I’m a talent acquisition specialist for Domino’s Supply Chain Centers. My role entails full cycle recruitment, specifically for the U.S west and south regions. I’ve been with Domino’s for about two years now.

What do you enjoy most about working at Domino’s?

I love being a part of someone’s career journey at Domino’s, specifically the start and introducing them to our brand. It’s also an honor to make an impact on someone’s life. Within our Domino’s community, we have more communities! I’m proud to be a part of our business resource group WiSDOM, which empowers and inspires women in the business. I’m also able to work from home/anywhere, and that means so much to me as I recently traveled to see my family in the Philippines and was still able to work from there.

How do you identify within the Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander community?

I’m a Filipina – my mother and father were born and raised in the Philippines. They actually grew up in the same town!

What is your favorite cultural tradition?

We love karaoke regardless of if we can carry a tune! Anytime there’s a family gathering or party you can always expect a microphone to be passed around. We also have this unspoken tradition – whenever we travel to the Philippines, we pack balikbayan (returning home) boxes as check-in luggage that’s filled with pasalubongs (gifts, souvenirs) for our loved ones. Giving and receiving the pasalubongs is always a great moment as we’re reunited.

What does AANHPI Heritage Month mean to you?

This month is a time of recognition and representation – recognizing all it took to get here and who brought us here, and proudly representing them. It’s about amplifying the celebration and support of one another, storytelling and spotlighting us, and more delicious food!

How do you think your culture has influenced you in your professional life?

Filipinos are known to be hospitable people and I think that’s partly how and why I landed in talent acquisition. With my upbringing, welcoming candidates to a brand and supporting and advising hiring managers feels second nature.

What would you like people to know about growing up as a Filipina?

At times, it felt like two ships passing where I didn’t know whether to acclimate to my surroundings or exist in what I’ve always known. As I grew older, I embraced this experience as I was exposed to more than one culture. I have the knowledge and growing knowledge of my cultural traditions and traditions I’ve learned along the way. I’ve also been fortunate to have strong Filipina influences growing up. From my grandmas to my nieces, it’s inspiring to see my family’s generations of women dominate.

What does diversity in the workplace mean to you?

Feeling a sense of belonging while also feeling comfortable educating others on who you are.

What do you hope to see for the AANHPI community in the future?

More representation! We are a big supportive community and when we see someone thrive, it’s our success too.

For more information on this story, contact us.